Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Elder Stewart

Today we took my brother Matt to the airport. He is off to serve a two year mission in Brazil. It was really great seeing him off. So after many rounds of hugs and a few tears that were shed, we said good-bye. I had my camera with me, but did not check the battery and I only got 2 pictures. And they weren't of Matt! So I have a couple of pictures that I took a few months back.

Love You Matt!


  1. LOVE the Zoolander face. It was a good morning and a late night but worth it. I hope Mom doesn't put everything of Matt's away, I could just think of him being at Andrew's when I am there (if we keep his bedroom door shut).

  2. I was just about to ask, is the second one zoolander? What were the pictures of? Self-portrait of you & Jill? That's the classic.
