Thursday, March 1, 2012

I Have a Blog?

Has it already been 6 months since the last time I posted? I can't believe I am such a slacker. I just spent the last hour putting all the pictures from my phone onto the computer, so I wanted to share some of my most favorite pictures from the last few months. Warning: most of them are pictures of Odin, because lets face it, he is the one I spend all my time with.
Odin's first hair cut (back in August) Before shot
After haircut
New shoes (back in August... they dont fit anymore :( )
We love the park
All of his favorite things
We went on a hike to Forest Falls
He climbs up on EVERYTHING
Ready for our morning walk on a cold day
At the museum with the Durrs. I hope Odin gets over his fear of Sawyer's voice (he cries everytime Sawyer, or any kid, does anything)
Birthday dinner for Grandpa at PF Changs
We love going to Grandma's house
Daddy and Odin time
Odin loves being chased by the vacuum